The Operational measurements is designed to enhance the efficiency and accuracy of managing operational measurements related to Waste, Energy, Fugitives, and Water. This guide covers how to navigate the new features, including data tables, forms, deletion processes, search functionality, file downloads, plausibility checks, and the approval process.
The Operational Measurements page is available under Data management in the left navigation menu. This page displays a data table with sorting and pagination functionalities.
Click Data management icon on the left menu to open the menu. The Operational measurements page can be found under the Virtual objects section.
The table is divided into four groups: Status, Basic information, Additional information, and Source.
Click on column headers to sort data in ascending or descending order.
Use the pagination controls below the table to navigate through pages and set the number of entries displayed per page.
The Add/Edit forms allow users to add or edit Operational measurements.
Add Operational measurements:
Click Add button at the top right corner of the table.
Select one of the four operational measurement types (Energy, Waste, Water, Fugitives) from the flyout list.
Fill in the mandatory and optional fields in the form that appears in a new pop-out window.
click Save button to save the data.
Edit Operational measurements:
Hover over an Operational measurements row and click 3-dot menu.
Select the edit option from the flyout menu.
Make necessary changes and click Save button to update the data or Cancel to discard changes.
Type to subtype: Only subtypes mapped to the selected operational measurement type are displayed.
Type to unit: Only permitted units for the selected operational measurement type are displayed.
Valid from and Valid until: Dates must be in the past or until the last day of the previous month.
Minimum data coverage: Validity must cover more than 50% of the month to be included in monthly sustainability calculations.
Users with the data management delete permission can delete single or multiple Operational measurements from the table.
Deleting a single Operational measurement:
Hover over the row to see Delete button.
Click Delete button and confirm the deletion in the confirmation window.
Deleting multiple Operational measurements:
Select multiple Operational measurements using the selection boxes.
Click Delete button at the top right of the table and confirm the deletion in the confirmation window.
Deleting an approved/auto-approved operational measurement removes it from the Operational measurements table, sustainability reports, and calculations.
The Search box at the top of the page allows users to search the entire table.
Global Filter: Acts as a global filter on the Operational measurement table.
Minimum Characters: Requires at least 3 characters before filtering the table.
Users with the right permissions can download Operational measurements table as a CSV or Excel file.
Click Download icon at the top right corner of the table to download as CSV or Excel.
Applied filters will affect the downloaded file, but hidden columns will still be included.
Data is exported in one file.
A message will indicate when the download process has started: "Download will start soon."
Users can perform a plausibility check for Operational measurements at the building level.
The Check plausibility button is disabled if you are not at the building level. It will only be active when a single building is selected.
Hover over Disabled button.
Filter Operational measurements table to a single building and click Check plausibility to run the check.
A pop-out message confirms the plausibility check is being done for all energy types of Operational measurements in the selected building.
The Plausibility column will show results as Plausible, Potential issue, or N/A which is for Water, Waste, and Fugitives types.
The Operational measurements approval and rejection process allows users with proper permissions to review, approve, or reject Operational measurements.
Newly added Operational measurements have the status "Pending review."
Hover over an Operational measurements row to approve or reject.
Apply approval or rejection actions to multiple Operational measurements simultaneously.
Select multiple Operational measurements using checkboxes and click Approve or Reject
Only users with data management approval permissions can approve or reject Operational measurements.
Rejecting on Approved or Auto-approved Operational measurements will not be considered in the sustainability reports and calculations
The Operational measurements table has links to the Meter management UI for Operational measurements received from meters.
For the Operational measurements added via the invoice scraper tool, download links for the invoices are provided.
Meter management link: Operational measurements rows created through meter aggregation have a link to the meter management UI.
Invoice download: Operational measurements rows created through the invoice scraper have buttons to download the invoice document.
The Meter management and Download invoice icons are visible for all rows but disabled when the uploading source is not Meter and Invoice scraper respectively.