The weather normalization is applied to heating energy consumption data provided by your organization to compare your data to the weather conditions in this month or year. Weather normalization of cooling energy consumption is not considered in the normalization process. The normalization is based on heating degree days with a base temperature of 15.5°C for the reference period 2011-2021.
If the average outdoor temperature of a day is below 15.5°C, the base temperature, it is called a heating day. Heating degree days are calculated by summing up the differences between the base temperature and the average outdoor temperature for all heating days. The normalized data is calculated as follows:
Equation :
Eweathernorm = (HDDi, refperiod / HDDi, measured) * Emeasured
Eweathernorm : Weather-normalized consumption value in kWh
Emeasured : Measured consumption value in kWh
HDDi,refperiod : Average heating degree days per month during the reference period
HDDi,measured: Heating degree days of the month when E_measured was recorded
Assign buildings based on their geo coordinates to the nearest weather station.
Request monthly heating degree days from for all necessary weather stations via the API.
The monthly factors are applied to the collected heating energy consumption.