Manage address - search in China

You can manage building addresses under the Digital Twin. Please be advised that, if you want to manage building addresses in China, you have to tick the box "Search in China".

Add address

To add an address in China, follow the procedure below.

  1. Select the building in geography geography using the left side menu.

  2. Go to Digital Twin.

  3. Click on Addresses tab.

  4. Click Add addressIcons_Add and tick the box "search for China".

  5. Click Add to complete the task.


You can also add the address manually by clicking on the Icons_Add.

Edit address

To edit an address in China, follow the procedure below:

  1. Select the building in geography geography using the left side menu.

  2. Go to Digital Twin.

  3. Click on Addresses tab.

  4. Click general_Edit to edit the address.

  5. Tick the box "search for China".


Sie können auch nur geschätzte Daten auswählen um zu sehen, wo Daten für das ausgewählte Jahr geschätzt wurden.