Stranding risks calculation

All information in the Stranding risk tab of the Risk and Cost Prediction dashboard is based on the location-based emission reporting approach, considering only emissions from energy consumption and fugitive emissions (if available), and excluding emissions related to water consumption and waste production.

The decarbonization and energy reduction targets are the official V1.18 CRREM (Carbon Risk Real Estate Monitor) pathways for a 1.5°C and 2°C global warming scenario as taken from the CRREM project's website. According to the methodological framework of CRREM, the reference area for the calculation of carbon intensity (kgCO2 e/m2 ) and energy intensity (kWh/m2 ), figures is the Gross Internal Area (GIA). GIA is the gross floor area minus the area of external walls excluding parking areas. Energy intensity is based on a building’s Net Energy Demand, which is the procured energy minus exported energy and consumed energy minus generated energy.

For more information on the Stranding risk dashboard, see Stranding risk.

Mixed-used buildings

The BuildingMinds Platform allows analysis of the CRREM-based stranding risk of mixed-use buildings, based on provided information about the area shares of different building types. The precise shares are entered in the Digital twin by adding rental units to the building and assigning a use-type as well as an area to each rental unit.

Choose a primary and a (different) secondary building type in the Digital twin or choose any mixed-use type (e.g. Mixed-use, other ) as the primary building type. Based on the provided information about area shares of different use types, the platform automatically assigns an area-weighted average CRREM target for the specific building and then applies the same logic for stranding risk analysis as for any other building.

Please note, that for some use types no CRREM target exists and there will be no mixed-use target, if any of the entered
rental units belongs to one of these use types.