Validate and update data for GRESB reporting

  1. Access the GRESB report you want to validate. For more information, see Access GRESB reporting.

  2. Select the year for which you want to validate the data.

  3. Click on Validate and update to start the process.

    After finishing the process, the status icons on top indicate if the data has errors or if there are no errors and the data set is ready for submission.


    You cannot submit the data set to the GRESB portal until you resolve all data errors.

  4. When the status icon indicates data errors, you get an overview of the distribution of errors over the different categories. Categories are marked in red where data errors occurred.

    Click on the category icon to get a list of assets with data errors per category.

  5. Select a row and click the button View errors to get a detailed description of the error.

  6. Use the asset name to access the site or building in the BuildingMinds Platform. For more information, see Access your real-estate objects.


    Assets can be sites or buildings in the BuildingMinds Platform.

  7. If you need to change or add resource consumption data, navigate to the building level of the asset and click on Sustainability and Data management.
    A list opens with the resource consumption data of the selected asset. You can edit or add items to the asset. For more information, see
    Manage resource consumption data.

  8. If you need to change data related to the building, navigate to the building level of the asset and click on Digital twin.

  9. Resolve all issues until no data errors are detected.

    The data set can be submitted to the GRESB portal. For more information, see Submit data for GRESB reporting.