Vacancy normalization

The vacancy normalization is applied to resource consumption data that is provided by your organization for each year to better split the data between calendar months in a more realistic way. If your organization can provide metered data for each month vacancies are already reflected in the data.

The vacancy normalization is only applied if the vacancy rate is above 5% of the building for a month. Your organization needs to provide the vacancy rate for every month.


The vacancy normalized electricity consumption for self-procured and unspecified consumption is calculated as follows:

Equation :

Enormalized = Ecollected * (1 + VR)

Electricity procured by a third party is calculated as follows for the vacancy normalization:

Equation :

Enormalized = Ecollected / (1 - VR)


  • VR: Vacancy rate

  • Ecollected : Collected electricity data

  • Enormalized : Vacancy-normalized electricity data


Vacancy normalized heating consumption is calculated as follows:

Equation :

Enormalized = Ecollected * (1 + VR)


  • VR: Vacancy rate

  • Ecollected : Collected heating data

  • Enormalized : Vacancy-normalized heating data