Stranding risk

Benchmark your buildings and portfolio against the requirements of the Paris Climate Agreement and its targets to limit global warming to 1.5 °C or at least well below 2 °C. The CRREM decarbonization and energy reduction pathway translated the 1.5 °C and 2 °C targets to the real-estate sector so that targets are based on a building's carbon intensity (kgCO2e/m2 ) and energy intensity (kWh/m2 ). Access the dashboard under Risk and cost prediction in tab Sustainability. For more information on the stranding risks calculations, see Stranding risks calculation.


We use the decimal point as a separator for numbers in dashboards (e.g., 10.356). We group numbers with many digits with commas as delimiters (e.g., 28,867,46.56).

Stranded assets

Stranded assets are buildings that do not meet their CRREM target. A building’s stranding year is the first year in which a building fails to meet its corresponding CRREM decarbonization target. All figures displayed on default in the dashboard are your buildings' long-term predictions without a decarbonization plan and planned energetic retrofits while considering the expected future development of electricity and district heating emission factors for each country.

The future emission factors are based on national energy outlooks and the EU reference scenario 2020. To display figures that contain your planned retrofits, select Decarbonization plan under Retrofit scenario and Controls.

By default, the 1.5 °C targets from the Paris Climate Agreement are selected. You can choose the 2.0 °C targets under Target type and Controls.

Dashboard information



Carbon emissions vs. target

Compare your building's emissions to the carbon emission of the selected CRREM target under Target type defined until 2050. Select a continent, country, region, your organization's entities, or single sites and buildings in the left-side menu. Identify the year when your selection will be above the CRREM target. You can switch between carbon emission intensity and absolute carbon emissions.

Net energy demand vs. target

Compare your buildings' net energy demand to the selected CRREM target under Target type defined until 2050. Select a continent, country, region, your organization's entities, or single sites and buildings in the left-side menu. Identify the year when your selection will be above the CRREM target. You can switch between energy demand intensity and the absolute net energy demand.

Long-term prediction

View the energy and carbon performance of your buildings with regard to their specific CRREM targets. The circle size indicates the size of the building representing the gross internal area and the circle color indicates the stranding status of the selected year.

For details on the buildings, hover over the circle to display the predicted stranding year and other KPIs.

You see by default the absolute value relation. In selecting Relative details, you can view the building's carbon emission intensity to target ratio and the building's energy intensity to target ratio for the year chosen to identify easier which assets are stranded and which are prepared for the future.

To view the development of your building's carbon emission intensity and energy intensity to the CRREM target until 2050, select Abs. animation to display absolute values or Rel. animation to display relative values.

Share of stranded assets

View the share of your stranded assets until 2050 based on the gross internal area in m2 or the number of buildings in selecting Area or Buildings. To further narrow down the share of stranded assets, select a continent, country, region, your organization's entities, or single sites and buildings in the left-side menu. To get the specific share for a particular year, hover over the graph and year. You can see the percentage and the area or the number of buildings.

Detailed breakdown

The detailed breakdown table lets you get more granular information on the building level, sort by different parameters, or aggregate data on a geographical level.

For more information about a particular building, click the button for stranding-risks-calculation.




Left-side menu

Select on which level you want to display data (building, site, region, country, continent, or portfolio in the geographic view and according to your custom view).

The custom view depends on the individual settings made during onboarding.

Dashboard filter

Filter your dashboard data by building type, heating type, and building status.


Select the target type to compare your buildings (CRREM 1.5 °C or CRREM 2.0°C), retrofit scenario (with or without decarbonization plan), data normalization option, and currency type.