Before assigning roles to a user, you have to define roles and add users to the platform. For more information, see Add role, Add permissions to a role, and Add user.
If you already have the Administration center open, you can follow the steps. Otherwise, open the Administration center. For more information, see Open administration center.
You can assign roles in the Users tab for a single user.
Select the menu Authorization.
Select the menu Users.
Find the user in the list and click on the email address.
To assign roles, click Edit roles. A list opens with the already associated roles. If no role is related to the user, the list is empty.
From the list, select the roles you want to assign to the user.
To save the changes, select Save and close. To discard the changes, select Close.
An overview of the changes opens.
Confirm the changes.
You are assigning roles to a user one at a time when using the first option. If you need to assign a role to more users, proceed as follows:
Select the menu Authorization.
Select the menu Roles.
Find the role in the list to which you want to assign the users and click on the role name.
Select the Associated users tab.
A list opens with the already associated users. If no users are added to this role, the list is empty.
Click Edit users.
Select the users from the list you want to add to the role.
Confirm the selection with Save and close. To discard the changes, select Close.
An overview of the changes opens.
Confirm the changes.