Equipment management

The Equipment management module simplifies tracking, managing, and updating equipment information within a building or a facility, enhancing operational efficiency and ensuring data consistency.


The Equipment management feature allows users to:

  • View a list of all equipment for selected buildings.

  • Add, edit, and delete equipment details.

  • Assign equipment to buildings.

  • Access detailed equipment data, including maintenance schedules and warranty information.

Accessing equipment

To view and manage equipment you have two options :

  • Option 1:

    1. Navigate to the Data management tab.

    2. Select the desired buildings.

    3. Open the Equipment tab under Physical objects, to see a list of equipment for the selected buildings.

  • Option 2:

    1. Navigate to the Data management tab.

    2. Open the Equipment tab under Physical objects, to see a list of equipment for the selected buildings.

The list includes essential details such as:

  • Maintenance schedule and next maintenance date

  • Purchase information

  • Warranty status

Adding equipment

To add new equipment:

  1. In the Equipment section, click + Add.

  2. Fill in the mandatory fields:

    • Name: Name of the equipment.

    • Type: Select from the dropdown.

    • Quantity: Number of items.

  3. Optionally, provide additional details for example:

    • Equipment general information

    • HVAC system information

    • Purchase information

    • Maintenance details

  4. Click Save to complete the process.

Editing equipment

To edit existing equipment:

  1. Select the equipment from the list.

  2. Update the necessary fields.

  3. Click Save to confirm changes.

Deleting equipment

To delete equipment:

  1. Select the equipment from the list.

  2. Click the Delete icon.

  3. Confirm the deletion in the prompt.

Equipment details

Users can view comprehensive information about any equipment, including:

  • Maintenance history

  • Purchase details

  • Associated real estate objects (e.g., buildings, spaces)

The module supports assigning equipment to one or more objects, ensuring flexibility in tracking usage across multiple locations.

Data integration and validation

  • Data import: Users can upload equipment data via CSV files. The system validates file structure and content to ensure consistency.

  • Validation: All equipment data entries undergo strict validation to maintain accuracy and relevance.

  • Synchronization: Changes to equipment data are reflected across all connected systems.