Utility monitoring - Portfolio level

This report is displayed when the user does not select a single building but goes directly to the Reports section of the platform. It is available for 3 utility types (electricity, gas, and water) and is based on data collected via smart meters across the portfolio. 

In this article you will find the detailed guidelines for each visualization: 

  1. YTD consumption widget 

  2. Overview widget 

  3. Data coverage widget

  4. Consumption over time widget 

  5. Building performance  

1. YTD consumption widget 

Year-to-Date (YTD) consumption compares the current year's usage to the previous year's usage at the same time and indicates the current trend. It allows users to see how the selected level performs at the moment. 

above building level ytd


On 07.02.2024, the electricity consumption for Germany since 01.01.2024 is X kWh, which is 2% more than the consumption on the same date last year. 

Key performance indicators (KPIs): 

  • YTD consumption: 

Amount of energy consumed from the beginning of the current calendar year up to the present day for the selected utility type and asset group in kWh or MWh. 

  • Year-over-Year difference: 

The difference in consumption between the current year and the previous year up until today for the selected utility type and asset group in kWh or MWh. 

2. Overview widget 

The Overview widget shows the key performance indicators (KPIs) related to utility consumption for the portfolio or for the selected structure level, such as a country or region. It gives a quick understanding of the consumption level and trends. 

Overview Utility Monitoring

Key performance indicators (KPIs): 

The KPIs are based on the selected time period and structure level: 

  1. Total consumption: Total cumulative consumption for the selected utility type, assets, and time period in kWh or mWh. 

  2. Consumption per m²: Total consumption divided by Gross Floor Area for the selected utility type, assets, and time period in kWh/m². 

  3. Daily average: The amount of the selected utility used in average per day for the assets across the selected time period in kWh or mWh. 

  4. Peak load: The highest level of consumption/demand for the selected utility type, assets, and time period. Measured in: 

  • Electricity: kilowatts (kW) or megawatts (MW) 

  • Gas: cubic feet (cf) or cubic meters (m³) 

  • Water: gallons (gal) or cubic meters (m³) 

Compare with functionality 

Users can compare KPIs with the previous period (same period as in the time filter but the year before). 


  • Time filter: Default is the full current year. Users can select one or several years or months or any date range. 

  • General filters: Building type, ownership, and area size. 

3. Data coverage widget 

The Data coverage widget shows the state of the data collected for the selected utility across the portfolio or the selected structure level, such as a country or region. It allows users to see the number of buildings for which consumption data is collected and to understand the distribution of actual, estimated, and missing data. 

Data Coverage

Key performance indicators (KPIs): 

The metrics are based on the selected time period and structure level: 

  1. Meter coverage: Number of buildings with meters for the selected utility type divided by the total number of buildings for the selected level. 

  2. Actual data: Percentage of actual meter measurements in the total meter measurements for the selected utility type, assets, and time period. 

  3. Estimated data: Percentage of estimated meter measurements in the total meter measurements for the selected utility type, assets, and time period. 

  4. Missing data: Data gaps for the selected utility type, assets, and time period. 

Compare with functionality 

  • Not applicable to this widget. 


  • Time filter: Default is the full current year. Users can select one or several years or months or any date range. 

  • General filters: Building type, ownership, and area size.

4. Consumption over time widget 

The widget allows users to visualize the evolution of the consumption level of the selected utility across the portfolio or the selected structure level, such as a country or region. It helps to understand the overall consumption patterns and identify possible anomalies or gaps.   

Development over time

Key performance indicators (KPIs):

The metrics are based on the selected time period and structure level: 

  • Yearly: Total consumption displayed by year. 

  • Quarterly: Total consumption displayed by quarter. 

  • Monthly: Total consumption displayed by month. 

  • Calendar week (CW): Total consumption displayed by calendar week. 

  • Daily: Total consumption displayed by day. 

  • Hourly: Total consumption displayed by the hour. 

  • 30 min: Total consumption displayed at 30-minute intervals. 

  • 15 min: Total consumption displayed at 15-minute intervals. 


The Hourly, 30-minute, and 15-minute views are only available if only one day is selected in the time filter.

One day date filter

Compare with functionality 

  • Displayed if an option is selected in “Compare with”. 

  • Comparison Points: None (default), Previous period (the same period as the previous year) 

Zoom In/Out functionality 

  • Users can adjust the time scope by moving each end of the zoom and modifying the data displayed accordingly. 


  • Time filter: Default is the full current year. Users can select one or several years or months or any date range. 

  • General filters: Building type, ownership, area size. 

Notes for views
  • Yearly view: Any timeframe can be selected. 

  • Quarterly view: Time filter selection larger than a year disables this view. 

  • Monthly view: Time filter selection larger than 2 years disables this view. 

  • CW view: Time filter selection larger than 1 year disables this view. 

  • Daily view: Time filter selection larger than 1 month disables this view.

  • Hourly view: Time filter selection larger than 1 day disables this view.

  • 30-minute view: Time filter selection larger than 1 day disables this view.

  • 15-minute view: Time filter selection larger than 1 day disables this view.

5. Building performance  

The Building performance widget is a tool available only at the above-building level. This widget enables users to compare consumption across different buildings, helping identify outliers and understand overall consumption trends. 

Building performance

Key performance indicators (KPIs): 

The widget displays data based on the selected time period and structure level, such as a country or region. 

  • Total consumption: cumulated consumption per building. 

  • Quarterly: consumption per square meter per building. 

Compare with functionality 

  • Displayed if an option is selected in “Compare with”. 

  • Comparison Points: None (default), Previous period (the same period as the previous year) 

    Example: If January 2024 to March 2024 is selected in the time filter, the line shows the consumption for January 2023 to March 2023 for each building. 

Zoom in/out functionality 

Users can adjust the building scope by moving each end of the zoom below the chart. The data displayed is adjusted accordingly. 


  • Time filter: Default is the full current year. Users can select one or several years or months or any date range. 

  • General filters: Building type, ownership, area size.